Jalan menuju Kesejahteraan Art Competiton & Exhibit
This is a migrant domestic worker's (MDW) mental health art competition and exhibit that focuses on the theme of Path to Well-being. We each have our own mental health journey as we overcome different challenges in life, and the MDW participants shared their story through art (visual art, poetry, photography). We asked them, "What is your journey towards well-being like? What challenges affected your mental well-being and how did you overcome them? How do you continue to take care of your mental health?" The exhibit is open from April 7 to 21 (open daily from 9am to 6pm) at The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central. Interested in having the exhibit in your venue and/or hold a panel discussion? Contact us at iabrogena@cuhk.edu.hk.
Seni Visual