Back by Efi Susanti
Of all the time
You and I are in different spaces
But in the end
The universe continues to bring me to you

No matter how many poems I write
Without your name
But always
The universe has your name at the end of my sentence

No matter how often I touch foreign faces
The universe keep bringing me clear face
That is your face

Somehow the universe always bring you
Back to me
About the Poem: "When we love someone try to let him go, if he comes back to you then he is right for you. Because the love that keeps growing without meeting and accepting is pure love. The distant is not necessarily lost from memory and the near is not necessarily in mind. Be together and unite because of the same vision and mission of life, because love can change with why later on. You will be met with what you think and want, and believe it's the best from your God."