Bibliya (Bible) by Lhennie C. Ignas
At a time when there are many trials and life slowly falling apart.
Nothing will hurt more, if one of the dearest loved ones was gone.

Once in my life I had chosen to give up.
Wanted to end, breath wanted to stop.
My feet were sinking, in the quake sand of pain cannot escape.
Nothing else to want but disappear, even family wants to bring with.
Loosening of life coz’ faith in the creator is losing it.

I ask every day, but no one was answered.
Why in my family, these trials were given?
I’ve really been a good person.
In God is what I pleaded on.
But why at the end, my family and I are the one who is grieving?

At the end of losing it, in the brick of my thro defeat.
A holy book had woken me off.
Without realizing, begun to focus on the content while holding it.
Words were read sincerely and contemplated on it slowly.
I then realized burden and darkness in my heart became at ease.

Verses and chapters those sacred words.
Wholly got me free from the chain darkness my life suffered with.
How truly powerful our Almighty!
Just need to pray, have faith and believe unto Thee.
Praise and Glorify Him, ask for help if everything cannot be comprehended.
About the Poem: "This is the experience of a father who was filled with grief, anger and almost darkened his outlook on life and lost faith in God due to the loss of child at the same time as all the remaining children were sick. I was one of the children who got sick. I witnessed how my father grieved and begun to question God why everything happened even though he was good as a person. And how he became aware and rose again because of a bible. This became his shield and focused his attention for regain faith in God and overcome the pain of the trials that out family faced."