Comfort Zone by Suciati
About the artist: Hello I'm Suciati, migrant worker from Indonesia who worked approximately 9 years in Hong Kong. I like taking photos to capture moments of various things, landscapes, and flowers are my favorite objects.
About the photo: Debur ombak, batas laut dan matahari tenggelam adalah perpaduan sempurna untuk menutup minggu dengan kenyamanan. Perasaan tenang, bahagia dan rasa syukur yang datang bahkan hanya dengan memandang kejauhan. Ini sebuah keistimewaan. Jadi sudahkah anda bersyukur hari ini? Crashing waves, the horizon and the sunset is the perfect combination to end the week in comfort. The feeling of calm, happiness and gratitude comes by simply looking into the distance. This is a privilege. So have you been grateful today?