Great Pressure After my Husband's Death by Galuh Nugroho Yanti Bt. Suyoto
About the artist: My name is Galuh Nugroho Yanti. I'm from Java, Indonesia. I'm a single mother and I have one daughter, 6 years old. I've been working in Hong Kong for 4 years. I've joined PathFinders organization and the Indonesian arts and culture organization, Saung Angklung & Tari Hong Kong.
About the Photo: I got married in 2016 and on 2018, my husband suddenly died. I was shocked and couldn't believe it. Perhaps my daughter and I still cannot accept his death. At that time my husband's family blamed me for his death. Their judgment through social media make me more depressed every day but what made it worse is they never met my daughter. She is still small, she has the right to receive attention and affection from them. On the other hand, my family and friends always support and encourage me to stay strong because no matter what, life must go on. I also always pray to God. As time passes, I can put aside their judgment but may not forget it yet, because it's painful. I try to make peace with it with help from my mother and friends. I thank my daughter for continuing to fight and be strong. For her and my parents’ sake, I will remain fine. This photo shows my parents and daughter, who always encourage, pray and support each other. My parents raised my daughter. I hope they live a long and healthy life so that I can make them happy too.