Green, Hong Kong by Eny Rahmawati
About the artist: My name is Eny Rahmawati. I come from a small village in Java, Indonesia. I've been in Hong Kong for 15 years. I love reading, cooking, baking and gardening. I spend my holidays attending seminars, workshops, trainings and learning new positive things. I often visit the garden to just tend to flowers or vegetables when I feel overwhelmed or sad. I'm sure everyone has experienced difficult times. Tough times create strong people. Keep living our lives, do your best and don't give up!
About the photo: Hong Kong. Tinggal dan bekerja di kota ini tidaklah mudah, berat. Awal-awal adaptasi sungguh membuatku tertekan. Rindu keluarga, rumah dan setumpuk pekerjaan yang tiada habis. Tapi satu yang selalu membuatku kuat, Ibu. Karena ibulah aku bertahan sejauh ini. Beruntung pula majikan punya kebun sepetak. Di kebun itulah aku sering melepas penat dan stress. Hijaunya sayuran, birunya langit dan angin yang sepoi-sepoi sungguh mempesona dan mengingatkan akan ibu yang suka bercocok tanam. Hari-hariku seterusnya memang tidak mudah, tapi dengan mengingat Ibu yang sudah tiada dan memandang kebun itulah kewarasanku tetap terjaga.

Hong Kong. Living and working in this city is not easy. The beginning of adapting really stressed me out. Missing family, home and faced with endless piles of work. But one thing always makes me strong, my mother. It's because of her that I survived this far. Luckily, my employer has a garden. It's in the garden that I often relieve fatigue and stress. The green of the vegetables, blue of the sky and the gentle breeze truly remind me of my mother who loved farming. My coming days were not easy, but it was by remembering my mother who was gone and looking at the garden that my sanity remained intact.