How I Love and Live my Life by Maricel Isip David
It's been seven years since I started this journey,
Full of hope and dreams, my heart was so happy,
Even though I knew I’ll be away from my family,
It's ok, knowing that they’ll have a life
they can live comfortably.

Life here at first isn't that easy,
Living and working in a different country,
Facing some problems and feeling so lonely,
All of them I managed to overcome bravely.

I am contented with my life, with peace and joy,
Doing my job, free from stress, I just enjoy,
Meeting friends, being good to myself makes me happy,
Having constant communication and
good relationship with my family.

But not every day will be good as you wished,
There came a time when I felt down and worried.
Being not with my children when they needed me,
Is the hardest thing a mother wouldn’t want to see

It breaks my heart when I can't be beside them,
Especially when they’re going through
bad times and problem.
I always pray to God for guidance and comfort,
So I can help them and give my all support.

Thankfully, I overcome all the trials that came my way.
I know my worth and value myself day by day.
I get active and always think in a positive way,
That whatever comes, in the end, everything will be ok.

Now I take care more of my physical and mental health,
Wherein there's a saying that "HEALTH IS WEALTH”,
I attend various activities, go running and hiking,
And making sure that I can relax with
less stress and continue in learning
I wrote this poem based on my own experiences and my daily life; how I overcome challenges and difficulties in life. Taking care of our well-being is very important especially when we encounter problems, trials, or stress. We should always be ready how to cope with it. Though sometimes life can be hard, we should always be mentally prepared on how to deal with challenges coming into our lives. I always think in a positive way when dealing with problems; "If there is a problem, there is a solution". I make sure I take care of my physical, mental, and spiritual health. I believe in myself, I know my worth and importance. I am happy with my family, contented with my life and who or where I am today. To take care of my physical health, I go running, jogging or hiking and do exercise everyday. When it comes to spiritual health, I go to church every Sunday, pray, and always seek our good Lord's guidance. To enhance my knowledge, I attend activities cooking lesson, or seminars about nutrition or anything that can help nourish my ability. This way I can engage with others by making new friends and learnings.