Live and be Free by Rodelyn Tabbada
Fly freely with dreams and hope
Seeing capsized life from under the sun’s tests and blows
Smile often and let contentment flows
Enjoy the rivers of happiness as each day goes

Be healed and forget what hurt you most
Always remember the day ends but new days dawns for a greater hope
Bringing you new cheers and a new cause
Let another day paint you a new choice.

Though the days are gloomy and engulf you with troubles,
Stand still and continue the course.
Let your dreams strengthen your weakening poise.
And be an eagle, a victor that win all life’s battles.
About the Poem: "My life has been a total wreck emotionally that weakens my being. Prior to the challenges encountered, life has been good and full of dreams. Firstly, one of my daughters was diagnosed with cancer . It was devastating that made my world upside down and almost drained all our resources for the treatment. My kids all stopped schooling to finance the therapy. Secondly, my husband got a mistress and live together. The pain was excruciating. It wears me out. But I realized I need to survive. I started getting up from falling. Tried the best I could to prove the world there is no problem so big that we can not surpass. And I made it. Me and my 3 kids made it. My wages as a helper enabled my children to finish their degrees and now enjoying their careers. For this, I am inspired to write this poetry piece."