Long Live Overseas Worker by Alicia Bariso
Regardless of the hardship
We choose to leave
For the reason to work and EARN
In order to support family needs
Specially the kids.

By the time we fly
And we almost reach the sky
Our tears overflowing, going down
Those feeling that we don’t know
Can we still come back alive?
Or will be gone by the sorrow.

Are we going to succeed?
Or failure with our goal
Others will be lucky, some are not.

Nevertheless, ignoring all the fears,
For the good future it may bring
Forgetting all the negativity
Giving all your best that can be

Don’t count the works you can do in a day
But continue to manage all the duties.
Be humble with your boss
As you may not know
They will be the mirror
And pathways of your bright tomorrow.

As we go of our journey
Obstacles and crossroads will be there
Problems from home keep coming
Financial burden keep arising
No satisfaction of family wants and request

Anxieties and depressions will be seen
IF only our mind and body can speak
And complain to ourself.
Health is our wealth
Always be mindful
That love and selfcare
Is the root of energy
We use to battle with our work.

But we choose to be strong and fighter.
Dictate by our mind, stay still stay still!

God will never leave us
That our kids is the inspiration
Unlocking all parents dream
Till the day they finishing schooling
Then we will be happy to return Philippines
And take care of them again.

Lets be grateful to our employers
For employers created good life
And blessings to us and family we have.

At the end of our overseas journey
Feel the contentment and be happy
Spending rest of our life with family.
About the Poem: "It’s all about life BEFORE I decide to work overseas, NOW that I’m working, and the FUTURE I’m trying manifest and visualize after all these long years working far away. It’s all for my family, specially the kids."