My Way by Tonette Rodriguez Albo
About the artist: A passion of observing the beauty and wonders of nature and sharing evocative moments brought me to mobile photography. I believe that sharing positivity to the community through my photographs helps boost a healthy mind and happy life to everyone. Tonette Rodriguez Albo, 43, from Cabanatuan City, Philippines. Graduate of Computer Programming, a mother and presently working as a house worker here in Hong Kong for 7 years. Active members of different community groups such as Horizons and PathFinders.
About the photo: We all have our own way to have a healthy well-being. Connecting to nature and doing the things that I love give me a peaceful happy, healthy life and mind. Being a foreign domestic worker away from home and family, it is very important for me that I have my ME Time and I call it MY WAY. Every person have different ways of spending their day. I love to connect with nature, feel and look good because it boosts my confidence, learn new things through books, arts, and music and that way, I am able to overcome stress and depression.