OFW Survival Journey by Sionie Naraga
Being far from my family to reach my dream is hard,
You’ll miss them and mentally struggle yet this journey is my last card.
For first 6-months I always cried,
Thinking if I am okay with this challenging ride.

Being distant from family gives longingness.
Adjustments from type of living gives me stress.
Almost got swallowed by darkness and extreme sadness.
However, a light came that gives me glimpse of happiness.

Along the journey, I met new friends with the
Same experiences and saves me from distress.
Bonding during day-off Sundays allows us to fight our longingness.
Armored with prayer I finally survive my loneliness,
Physically and mentally stable knowing my family
Supports me & proud of my success.

This fight may be a difficult one,
But I have a dream and I believe that I can.
I may struggle sometimes,
But I have a powerful God who hear my prayers
And a family who is proud of me.
And this is enough for me to survive and
Continue to fight until the end.
About the Poem: "This is a poem that reflects my experience as an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) in Hong Kong. My experience and what I’ve gone through is not easy. Being away from family for your dreams is a big sacrifice for an OFW like me. We experienced falling down, crying, questioning, being sad and depressed because of adjustment and longing for family. Despite the hardship we experienced, we continue to fight against the challenges of our life. Someone comes along who becomes our companion in life, a new friend who makes us smile to relieve the sadness from missing our family. We are not alone, we have companions who have the same experience. That’s why this poem is dedicated to my fellow OFW who push through no matter how difficult life gets. This is also a reminder to all of us who are having a hard time that we have God as our companion. Just pray and continue to fight."