Photography by Sri Lestari
About the photo: Manusia mengalami banyak manfaat ketika berdekatan dengan alam, seperti Hipotesis Biofilia, Reduksi Stress, dan Attention Restoration theory. Hipotesis Biofilia mengusulkan bahwa para leluhur kita yang berevolusi di alam bebas, bergantung sepenuhnya terhadap lingkungan untuk bertahan hidup, maka dengan demikian kita memiliki insting bawaan untuk terhubung dengan alam. Hipotesa Reduksi Stress menjelaskan bahwa menghabiskan waktu di alam memicu respons fisiologis yang menurunkan level stress. Hipotesa ketiga, Attention Restoration Theory, berpendapat bahwa alam mengisi kembali sumber daya kognitif manusia, memulihkan kemampuan seseorang untuk berkonsentrasi dan memberi perhatian.
Humans experience many benefits when close to nature, such as the Biophilia Hypothesis, Stress Reduction Theory, and Attention Restoration Theory. The Biophilia Hypothesis proposes that our ancestors, who evolved in the wild, were completely dependent on the environment for survival, and thus we have an innate instinct to connect with nature. The Stress Reduction Hypothesis explains that spending time in nature triggers physiological responses that reduce stress levels. The third hypothesis, Attention Restoration Theory, posits that nature replenishes human cognitive resources, restoring a person's ability to concentrate and pay attention.