Prayers by Marmi
This process is not easy
This process is very tiring
My body is tired
My soul is crying
But I try to stand up and keep going
Because this life requires struggle and hard work
I do all this for you
My son and daughter
I want you to get the education that I never had
I want you to travel the world
Even though being away from you is the hardest test I have ever experienced
But I know this is part of my process
Process to achieve my dreams
You are the most valuable treasure that God has given
I embrace you with my prayers
I believe that one day we will be together again in happiness
I strengthen my faith
I leave everything to Allah
I know Allah has prepared the best for my family
About the Poem: This poem is about the struggle of a mother who has to work abroad for the sake of her children. Even though the soul cries, a mother must never give up!