Save you with my Way by Tukijanto Eti kristini
Passing through the busy streets.
You can see people and vehicles
Vehicles fumes mixed with dust
Consciousness wants to prevent it

The human population is growing rapidly
The environment is getting
Become a life support
Has the environment been maintained ?

Demand for economic prosperity
Don't let environment be a victim
Air pollution....
Increasing gas emissions
Let's stop, stop....

We live today by preserving the environment
To care for the next generation
We are healthy too, leave some for them
Let's preserve the environment

I started with me, you too
Use less plastic
Uses little electricity
Does not pollute air and water
Manage the environment well

You and I created away
We love humans by taking care of them
Invite them all
Let's protect the environment
You can do it, we can do it in unison
We love the world 🌎
Thanks you all ❤️
In the 05 era, the era was modern, because of the demands of the times, humans struggled to make ands meet. The economy was increasingly advanced, was environmental sustainability maintained? Production levels are increasing, forest are being converted into settlement, the population is increasing dramatically, motorized vehicles and Production waste from factories cause air pollution. Can the prosperity we achieve today also save the next generation? It's not too late friends, let's preserve the environment together the environment together, save electricity, water and let's get used to living simply, not using a lot of plastic hehe.. Less plastic everyday hehe.. Together we preserve the environment for today and for future generations.