Sunrise by Jinky Jabson
My heart is weakening
My mind is overthinking
My body is dying
But I am still breathing

The Sun rises the next day
Gives Sunshine to my way
No matter what people say
I pray, stand up and walk away

I'm on clouds
Higher than the mountains
Sending me to a wonderful place
I have never been

Found myself alive
Strong and lots of reason to hold on
And my life continuous to grow
Holding a better and brighter tomorrow
I wrote this to give inspiration and strong determination for all of us. My life in my country is not easy to find a good and better job. Earning a living is difficult especially if you reach the age limit of those companies. My family needs me to help them financially, but I couldn’t find a good job. I was totally down and almost died of thinking how to help my family. I heard my heart beating and told myself, "It's not the end of the world for you. Stand up, c'mon, chase your dreams." The most important is prayers. If I can't find a better future in my own country, why not try to work abroad? I will be far away from my loving family, BUT I can give them a better future. Later on, I found myself here IN HONGKONG, 🙏❤💪🏻 I am going 10 years with my kind employer family. I receive big love and care from them and they support my dreams for a bright tomorrow. Don’t loose hope. The Sun will rise again and again. Be brave and have faith.