Turning Point by Maria Editha G. Respicio
She was the hope and pride
The darling princess adored by her dad
Her siblings all got annoyed
On their hearts and minds they felt bad

She reciprocated her dad’s affection
She's excellent with a firm determination
To graduate and meet their expectation
But she stumbled, followed wrong direction

She became delinquent and went astray
Experienced vices to everybody's dismay
Lost her tract and wandered far away
Parents were heartbroken, cried everyday

She got married, started a family early
Without any degree, without any money
But her dad came to the rescue
He couldn't ignore to help you

Then came the biggest trial of your life
Your dad slipped away unexpectedly
Everyone blames you, there's strife
They’re pointing you the black sheep of the family

That’s a heart-wrenching turning point
So far the saddest wake-up call
Now all written in your poetry content
For you embraced poetry your therapy and all

It was an arduous journey
And it was painful one
But you made a vow to bring glory
To your tarnished family name

So you worked your way up
Though how bumpy, you never gave up
Your turning point became your emblem
and your beacon to lead you back home

You already forgave and moved on
Bitterness, grudges, hatred were all gone
Your dad might be happy now in Heaven
For finally finding the path back home
About the Poem: "This is the story of how I overcame my most difficult challenge in my life. How the loss of my father pushed me to restore the broken pieces of my life. His not giving up on me because he believes I have goodness in my heart, the love that he carried until his death. This is also when I began my hobby of writing poems."