Love Yourself - CUHK MDW

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Love Yourself

This photo is a collection of self-portraits wearing masks due to the impact of trauma and depression that resulted in a crisis of self-confidence. Each image is accompanied by motivational sentences as self-encouragement. There is a colorless image in the middle which is my hope and desire in the future, specifically in 2025.

Reyka Rachman

My full name is Reyka Rachman and people usually call me "KAKA". I am an Indonesian migrant worker in Hong Kong. I work as a caregiver for a grandmother who is still healthy. Working in a foreign country and far from my family is not easy for me. However, my employer is a good person and always supports me in my work. I have a hobby of drawing and making crafts from recycled materials. Since childhood I have loved art. So I can express my feelings through my work. Currently I am studying the art of black and white realistic drawing and digital drawing.

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