Dream Catcher Training Programme

The training program aims to develop MDW peer leaders to improve the mental health of MDWs. The name of the program reflects that every MDW is working hard for their own dreams, and that mental health is crucial to achieve those dreams.
The training includes five courses: 1) defining peer leadership and knowing your rights (core course); 2) arts for wellness and self-care (core course); 3) mental health peer support (core course); 4) mental health support as caregivers (elective course); 5) digital literacy and lifelong learning (elective course)..
The training is free of charge for MDWs. After completing the courses, graduates will receive ongoing support from the CUHK team for at least one year to organize activities promoting MDWs’ mental health..
By completing the training, the dream catchers are expected to: 1) understand fundamental knowledge about mental health, self-care, and how to help others with mental health issues; 2) apply the knowledge learned to care for their own and others’ mental health; 3) navigate the internet to identify relevant and credible information to promote mental health; 4) organize creative activities to promote MDWs’ mental health; and 5) facilitate future rounds of training programs to benefit more MDWs..
Details about the training program can be found at our Facebook Page..
The first round of the training was conducted in April to August, 2022, with 21 graduates. The second round was conducted in January to April, 2023, with 35 graduates. You can click here to get more information about our dreamcatchers!.
The first two rounds of the training is funded by the Knowledge Transfer Fund of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. With further funding support, we expect more rounds of training will be organized.