Emptiness by Ailenemae Ramos - CUHK MDW

What are you looking for ?

A poetry in celebration of World Mental Health Day

I find my self in an empty room,

Being locked and nowhere else to go.

When I looked around, and all I can see,

Is an incredible and empty space.

I realized, did anyone notice I am here?

Did anyone concern to think about me?

It’s very hard dealing with the hurt,

I feel like no one’s there during all my sorrow.

I have nothing left to lose, and nothing left to gain,

I fight through those days, with no one at my side.

All my days are terrible, dark, stormy, cold and grey,

Emptiness keeps growing so quickly as I slowly fade away.

If I broke down and lost all my control,

Would you come and save me from this empty room?

I have no courage left to go out in this sphere,

No helping hand to pull me to free my self out.

I am sad,

I am lonely,

I am irrational,

I am complicated.

For a while, I try so hard to fight away my doubts,

So far away, I assumed they are already gone.

But I think nothing lasts forever,

The pains, darkness, tears, always find their way,

To come and bring me to the emptiness side of myself,

That I am trying to fight to get over and free my self out.

About the Artist: I am delighted to introduce myself as Hannan Azka Tuminem from Indonesia. I have been working in Hong Kong since 2022 and am currently based in Clear Water Bay, Dragon Lake. Passionate about learning and helping others for the greater good, I was thrilled when I heard about the Path to Well-being program and immediately joined. I am dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of others and continuously strive to learn and grow.

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