Tower of Dreams by Kristine Barbo

On the green meadow,
I was standing firmly.
Watching my glowing shadow,
Yet, ignoring who surrounds me.
While enjoying the gift of love,
I am also embracing certain changes.
Though, my thoughts are white as dove,
Still, they spoil and cut my growing branches.
I let them shade from heavy rain,
Or even from the burning heat of the sun,
But still, they make fun of me.
If only I can knock on their brain,
I’ll let them know what they have done.
And then, wind blew and hit me so strong.
My colorful jewelries fall and turned black.
Can’t no longer think what’s right or wrong,
If only I can, I’ll hurt them back.
Should I follow those unheard whisper,
Or the thunder that roaring from the sky?
Or should I listen to the gossip from a sinner,
That turns every true stories to lie.
My dew drops on the ground.
What should I do and where to start?
My heartbeat can’t no longer consider as sound,
Every moment is a faded art.
When the sun will smile at me?
That’s the question I want Him to answer.
When those birds will sing gracefully?
Night and day, those are in my prayer.
Lastly, I found my self in the midst of sorrow.
Although, my body has lack of power and self-esteem,
I let my roots hold the ground even it’s narrow,
And let my branches touch the tower of dreams.
[This is a personification form of poem which I stand as a tree. A tree that stands firmly. That even a strong wind can’t shatter me. No no matter what happen my branches will grow again until I reach the tower of dreams ]

About the artist: I am Kristine Ventura Barbo from Jones, Isabela, Philippines. I am a domestic helper and currently working in Hong Kong for more than a year. My passion for writing helped me to gain confidence. By dropping all my emotions that I can’t voice out, I found my inner peace. Pen and paper became my companion in times of sorrows and happiness.