A Pathway to live a Healthy Well-being by Gladie Aldea Villasoto
It sounds good
But it needs discipline
To live healthy is attainable
To live stress free is manageable

Stay away from negative forces
Be still, keep calm and embrace good vibes

The greener environment
Creates a breathable home
Inhale goodness, exhale madness

Purposely eat a balanced diet
Filled your banquet with fruits and veggies
A cup of soup that energized the body
Sip tea with good friends
Celebrate life joyfully

Live a healthy well-being
In a stress free environment.
About the Poem: "This short poem explains my way of coping as a domestic helper in Hong Kong. Health is very important in our overall well-being and also to socialise with good friends is a must to live happily and contentedly in a place far away from home."