Bangkit Meraih Prestasi (Rise to Achievement) by Risky Rohmawati
Far away, in the Land of Concrete.
Country with tall skyscrapers.
Anchored was a migrant worker who was crushed by fatigue.
In the eyelids, complaints form,
But a sweet smile was always on his face

A little girl who is good at hiding her feelings
His head was so noisy when he was in such a quiet room.
He stood straight by the window
Inhale the fragrant aroma of essential oils, while gazing at a star
Blinking non-stop showing off the beautiful light
In the hustle and bustle of routine,
He thought about how to get rid of all the negative things in his brain

Every day the sound of the foster child's cries carries the symbol of whispering in the ear,
I want to end all this routine.
I want to be a bird flying freely in the sky,
Symbolizes freedom from the burden that oppresses him,
Fly high, away from the bitterness of the world,
Towards eternal happiness in the inner world.

But he is still here
Survive to achieve thousands of ambitions
Positive ambition to achieve success
Hoping to make his parents proud with his efforts

Through studying at the Indonesian Open University, he began to slowly rise
Rise from adversity and start planning your dreams
Learn to plan a bright future every day with a pile of books from a storehouse of various knowledge
Getting rid of negative thoughts is an important formula to combat the challenges

Life is no less beautiful like a red sunset,
Stick to the rhythm of your life,
No matter what storm comes your way.
Keep going through the storm, until the boat you are on anchors in a beautiful place
About the poem: "A story about the struggle to rise to achieve your dreams as a migrant worker and a student at a public university."