Depression by Yvonne Claire M. Ofong
I always ask, don’t know why, don’t know how?
You kept on following me without permission
You’re the least that I need just for you to know,
Because I have a lot of unfinished mission

You are bothering me and torturing me inside
My dilemma is killing me I want to hide
Why can’t you just leave me alone in the side
While I’m trying to cope up in this world’s ride

I just wait to live a life without you
To smile with heart and laugh loud like no end
Far away from too much anxiety and fears
And everything happens smoothly at it seems to be

I just want to open my eyes and wake up each morning
With everything under control though it seems impossible
I know life has ups and downs and crucial things happen
But without you I know I’m strong enough till the end
About the Poem: "This poem was written when I was in quarantine way back January 2021. Pandemic has done a lot of things in everyone's life. In my case, being able to survive 21 days in the four corners of the hotel room was already a big dilemma. Although as a helper, anxiety and depression is almost normal already, but how you face and fight it is a big question, either you surround yourself with friends here or deal with it alone, either way you know you have to fight everyday knowing their are people who believes and trust in you back to your home."