Thriving and Living by Marian Vinissa Zorilla
About the artist: "Hi I'm Marian Vinissa Zorrilla. I am 28 years old and I started working in Hong Kong last 2019 as a domestic worker. Coming to Hong Kong was a big decision I had to make since it was my first time going abroad. I was not satisfied with my job in the Philippines since the salary was not enough to help my family and pursue my dreams of financial stability which is every Filipino's goal. Working in Hong Kong was not easy but just like everybody else, we have to go through difficult times to adapt in a new environment with a different culture and language. At first, I Was not a match with the previous family I worked with. I pushed myself not to give up and seek where I am respected and valued. Thus, it lead me to realize that an ending does not solely end but will only lead us to new beginnings and it did lead me to much better beginnings."
About the photo: "The photo contains a picture of my dear friend who thought she couldn't survive in her job as a domestic helper but now she realized she can thrive and work happily in Hong Kong. The rocks in the picture, which are full of sharp shells attached to them, symbolize all hardships and challenges a migrant domestic face. But now she's nailing all those obstacles and that's why in the picture, we can see her smiling contentedly standing on those sharp rocks shells that used to hurt her. The umbrella represents her preparedness for future adversities while still never forgetting to live day by day with gratefulness."