Art Competition and Exhibit - CUHK MDW

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Art Competition and Exhibit


This Art Competition and Exhibit aims to invite migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong to share their life story and mental well-being journey through arts. The works will be shared to the public to promote mental health awareness and social inclusion.


Theme for 2024 Competition:  Embracing Life’s Transitions  

Our journey in life moves in seasons; we have seasons of celebration and joy and go through seasons of difficulties and pain. We want to know your story of moving through these life’s transitions as a domestic worker and how you took these as opportunities to learn and grow. How did these life events shape your values, empower you, and lead to where you are today? How was your mental health affected by these events and what has helped you overcome emotional and mental pressure?  



  • Visual Art 
  • Poetry 
  • Video Essay 
  • Photo  


Prizes (Cash vouchers): Total of 12 Winners

For each category:  

  • Winner: $800 
  • 1st runner up: $300
  • 2nd runner up: $150 

Important Information

Participation Guidelines
  • Only migrant domestic workers currently working in Hong Kong are eligible to participate.
  • Each participant can submit ONE entry for each of the four categories only.
  • All entries MUST BE ORIGINAL works completed by the participant and must NOT BE SHARED or published previously in public or on social media accounts.
  • Submission period is Oct. 1, 2024-Dec. 31, 2024 12nn. 

Visual art 

  • Theme fitting 50% 
  • Aesthetic impression and creativity 30% 
  • Techniques and Visual composition 20% 



  • Theme fitting 50% 
  • Aesthetic impression and creativity 30% 
  • Techniques and visual composition 20% 



  • Theme fitting 50% 
  • Reader impression and creativity 30% 
  • Technical skill 20% 


Video Essay

  • Theme fitting 50% 
  • Audience impression and creativity 30% 
  • Technical skill 20% 
How to Submit

【Visual art】 

Email the following:

    • Full name (same as HKID)
    • Whatsapp mobile number
    • Title of artwork
    • Explanation/description of the artwork(max. 200 words)
    • Attach a high resolution photo of your artwork



  • The entry must be an original artwork and not duplicated from any other artworks 
  • No limitation on mediums and painting methods 
  • To be drawn and completed only by the participant; Artworks created using AI or any art generating programs will not be accepted 
  • The entry has not been shared in any public places, including but not limited to personal social media accounts 
  • The artwork must not be folded or rolled if on paper/canvas. Shortlisted and/or winning participants may be contacted to submit their original artwork. 



Email the following:

    • Full name (same as HKID)
    • Whatsapp mobile number
    • Title of photo
    • Explanation/description of the photo (max. 200 words)
    • Attach a high resolution photo 



  • Photos can be taken with any mobile phone or camera. 
  • Photos can be edited by basic post-processing. Collage, retouch, filter or additional computer drawings are not accepted.
  • The organizing committee may require participants to present original image files for verification. Participants who are unable to verify the original photo taken will be disqualified.
  • The entry has not been shared in any public places, including but not limited to personal social media accounts. 



Email the following:

    • Full name (same as HKID)
    • Whatsapp mobile number
    • Explanation/description of the poem (max. 200 words)
    • Poem about the theme (max. 300 words)
    • If the poem is not written in English, provide English translation.



  • To be written and completed only by the participant; Poems created using AI or any poem generating programs will not be accepted.
  • The entry has not been published in any public places, including but not limited to personal social media accounts.


【Video Essay】 

Upload the video (max 2min 30 sec) on YouTube as ‘Unlisted’. If the video is not in English, provide English subtitles.

Email the following:

  • Full name (same as HKID)
  • Whatsapp mobile number
  • Explanation/description of the video (max. 200 words)
  • Link to YouTube video



  • This is an essay about the theme presented in the format of a video recording or short film. 
  • It must not use any copyrighted music.
  • The entry has not been published in any public places, including but not limited to personal social media accounts.
Competition Rules and Guidelines
  • Each participant can only submit one entry for each category. Two or more entries in the same category will not be accepted. 
  • Each entry must be original in concept, design, and execution and may not violate Hong Kong, SAR copyright laws. Any entry that has been copied or derived from existing images (including a painting, photo, graphic, or advertisement) or written works that was created by someone other than the participant is a violation of the competition rules and will not be accepted; 
  • Content cannot be sexually explicit or suggestive, unnecessarily violent or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional, or age group, profane or pornographic, or contain nudity; 
  • Content cannot promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or any political agenda or message; 
  • Content cannot be obscene or offensive, endorse any form of hate or hate group; 
  • Content cannot defame, misrepresent, or contain disparaging remarks about other people or companies; 
  • Content cannot contain trademarks, logos, or trade dress (such as distinctive packaging or building exteriors/interiors) owned by others, or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind, without permission, or contain any personal identification, such as license plate numbers, personal names, email addresses, or street addresses; 
  • Content cannot contain illegally sourced materials, including but not limited to copyrighted materials owned by others (including photographs, sculptures, paintings, and other works of art or images published on or in websites, television, movies, or other media) without permission; 
  • Content cannot contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person, living or dead, without permission; 
  • Content cannot communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which MDW Recharge Hub wishes to associate; 
  • Content cannot depict and cannot itself be in violation of any law or otherwise; and  
  • Plagiarism will result in disqualification. 
  • By submitting their entry, the participant certifies that, to the best of their knowledge, the entry submitted is an original work of authorship by the participant and that it is not copied or derived from, nor does it include, any other person’s copyrighted work. 
  • Once you submit your entry, your submission is final and may not be modified or edited. 
Copyright Terms

Participants are subject to all notices posted on the MDW Recharge Hub website, including, but not limited to MDW Recharge Hub’s privacy policy. Please note the following before submitting your entries:  

  • By submitting an entry, the participant understands and grants permission for photos/copy of the entry to be posted on the organizer’s website and social media accounts, and to be displayed in exhibits related to the competition for public viewing. The organizer is not responsible for any unauthorized third-party use of any photo/copy of the entry. 
  • Any original entry submitted (as in the case of visual artwork entries) will be maintained for up to one year at the organizer’s office located at Chinese University of Hong Kong campus, and then returned to the participant. The organizer is not responsible for lost entries, whether lost in transit or at the organizer’s office. 
  • Except where prohibited by law, entry submission grants the organizer the right in perpetuity to reproduce, publish, use, edit, adjust, modify, abridge, condense, sublicense, and excerpt the entry in any way, in all media, without limitation and without compensation to the participant. Submission of entry to the competition further constitutes participant’s consent to irrevocably assign and transfer to the organizer all rights, title, and interest in and to the entry, including, without limitation, all copyrights. The organizer may publish and/or promote the entry, or a portion of the entry. If an entry, or a portion of the entry is selected for publication and/or promotional purposes, it does not imply that it is a winning entry in this competition, nor does it create a confidential relationship between you and the organizer or any of its respective affiliates or subsidiaries. 
  • Entry must be the original work of the participant, may not have been previously published, may not have won previous awards, and must not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property, or other rights of any person or entity. If the entry contains any material or elements that are not owned by the participant and/or which are subject to the rights of third parties, the participant is responsible for obtaining, prior to submission of the entry, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit the use and exhibition of the entry by the organizer in the manner set forth in these terms, including, without limitation, name and likeness permissions from any person who appears in or is identifiable in the entry. If any identifiable person appearing in the entry is under the age of majority in their state of residence, the parent or legal guardian is required to provide permission. The organizer reserves the right to request proof of these permissions from any participant at any time. By submitting the entry, the participant warrants and represents that they and/or any persons appearing or who are identifiable in the entry consent to the submission and use of the entry in this competition, to its posting on website and social media accounts in connection with the competition, and to its display in exhibits in connection with the competition. The participant agrees to fully indemnify and defend the organizer from any and all third-party infringement claims that may arise out of its breach of these representations and warranties. 
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