While MDW Recharge Hub endeavours to provide users of this website information that is helpful and informative it is NOT the substitute for professional or medical advice. We encourage all users to discuss any information they find on this site with their mental health care professional doctor, social worker, or general health care practitioner. Self-tests and checklists are only a very basic guide, please discuss any results with your treating professionals so you can determine the relevance for your own individual needs. This website is not a substitute for professional health care. Although we make our best effort to place accurate information on this site we cannot guarantee that all of the information is accurate. Further terms and conditions to be noted as follows: Disclaimer: Self-Assessment Tools are not a substitute for professional clinical advice.
While the results may assist you, please check them with your treating professionals and ask any specific questions you may have regarding your own individual health. MDW Recharge Hub does not guarantee the accuracy, quality, suitability or reliability of any information on the website.