Research online and ask around to learn more about the new culture you’re entering. Try learning about daily living in Hong Kong from your agency, your employer, or other support groups. It may also be helpful to learn and practice a common language that will not only help with your work but also help you adjust to life in Hong Kong. Once you arrive, immerse yourself in the new environment! If you have the means and opportunity, try different local foods or explore different sights. A healthy adjustment to your new environment can lead to better mental well-being outcomes.
Adjusting to new environment

Learn about the new environment
Find comfort in the familiar
It is very common to feel homesick and so it will be very helpful if you maintain familiar routines and habits from your home country. For example, continue your religious practice, listen to songs in your native language, cook or eat your preferred food.

Many migrant workers go overseas in order to provide for their family. This is a noble and difficult undertaking and in order for you to maintain your mental wellbeing and to avoid further stress, you need to manage the expectations of your family and friends back home. For example, when and how often can you talk to each other, what is the frequency of your remittance, when will you be able to visit, for how long will you work before you return for good, etc. Maintaining a healthy relationship with your family back home can be challenging and can be very stressful which is why clear communication of expectations is important.

Find or build your own community
Social support is essential in maintaining mental well-being. Seek out friendship from both compatriots and locals. Having friends from the same home country can help you feel more connected to your roots and having local friends can help you integrate better into the country. Furthermore, being a part of a community can enable you to continue celebrating special occasions and significant cultural/religious festivals together.