How I Manage to Travel on a Tight Budget without Guilt - CUHK MDW

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How I Manage to Travel on a Tight Budget without Guilt

How I Manage to Travel on a Tight Budget without Guilt

When I was sending all my four kids to school, day off means staying almost all day in my room. I would just go out to buy my food for the week then come back to spend the rest of the day in bed watching movies or keeping in touch with family and friends through the internet.
Then, pandemic hit the world. For years, we were like prisoners in our own home. For us, in our small rooms. The world seemed hopeless. Stress and depression probably hit the maximum level. I am a very homebody person but during that time, how I wished I went out more when I was free. I had so much regret.
I tried some ways to cope with it. I became active doing livestreaming on YouTube because I couldn’t go out to take videos. Luckily, we live in the countryside so we had the opportunity to go to the beach or go hiking. It was then that I realized what it is to be forced to stay home and not be able to go out.
When things improved, I decided to do things differently. I was determined to change the way I spend my days off like racing against time. I started to go out as much as I can. Then comes that guilt from spending my money for leisure when I am supposed to save for my kids and our future. I started to ask myself, “What are my priorities at this point of my life? How can I afford to travel without guilt?”
I began planning. The strategy is to cut down on my food expenses. I save 300 dollars from my food allowance for my fare. At first it was not easy. I was not comfortable spending that amount for travel. After sometime, I thought to myself, “Why shouldn’t I?” and eventually, I got used to it. I sacrificed for that money. I deserve it. That money is for myself. I make sure that I get enough food, though. I still eat two to four kinds of fruits everyday. I buy fruits in season as they are cheaper or those that are on marked down but still good. I go to the wet market instead of buying them from the supermarket and usually do it in the late afternoon just before evening to avail of great deals. I found an affordable bag of muesli which I have for my breakfast everyday. A fruit is enough for a snack. I opt for cheaper sources of protein like eggs, tofu and legumes. A tin of tuna makes two fish cakes. Have it with rice and vegetable and that’s good for two meals! I roast my own peanuts and make my own peanut butter too. I seldom buy fish and meat unless they are on sale. I collect clams and mussels from the bay. And oh yes, crabs too! I take food and water with me when I go out so I don’t have to buy anything. The money that was supposed to be for my food during my holiday is now allocated for travel.
I love touring around Hong Kong on a bus. I often do it on my own to avoid unexpected expenses when I am with friends. Sometimes I just walk from one place to another trying to discover the hidden beauty of every place I go and I love it. I walk kilometers on Sundays and I don’t even notice. I enjoy the view, the breeze especially in the cold months, the flowers in Spring. Had I not changed my way of thinking, probably I would still be doing the same thing up to now.
We often say, “We should spend our money wisely”. I know many of you can relate to this but perhaps some would agree with me when I say, “We also need to treat ourselves.” We need to acknowledge our wants and say that we deserve this. After all, we worked hard for this money.
When I feel guilty, I just tell myself, “Look at those people who spend a lot just to visit Hong Kong, Macau or China. I want to take the opportunity while I am still here with free board and lodging.” I will not wait until I need to buy my own plane ticket just to come back here and visit or when I can no longer hop on the bus to enjoy the beauty of Hong Kong.
Perhaps some of you have different points of view. We enjoy different stuff but we all need to pamper ourselves at times. What I shared is just my way of trying to do what makes me happy without sacrificing much of my salary. By the way, I don’t spend my entire salary for this. The money come from my food allowance. We might not have the same situation but maybe we can try to find ways and do something for ourselves.
Whatever you come up with, just enjoy it. I don’t feel guilty as long as it will not cause me financial trouble. This is something the pandemic made me realize and see. I can’t deny that I am happy about what I discover in each of my travels. Some can be described as ordinary but there are many beautiful places worth visiting. You don’t have to go so far. Don’t be afraid to explore on your own or with friends. Those memories live forever. Memories that we will take with us when we go back home for good.
Enjoy your future travels!
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