Spent My Time With My Lovely Friends
Salah satu rezeki bagi pekerja migran adalah memiliki teman-teman yang baik. Teman yang memberimu pengaruh positif, mengajakmu untuk mengupgrade kemampuan diri, juga yang mau mendengarkan dan memahamimu. Saya termasuk orang yang beruntung itu. Berkat sebuah event Photography, saya dipertemukan dengan teman-teman saya saat ini. Mereka memberitahu saya tentang seminar mental health, berorganisasi, dan beberapa kali kami menghabiskan waktu bersama untuk mendaki gunung dan bersepeda. Berkat mereka saya tidak hanya menghabiskan waktu libur saya dengan berkeliling antar toko dan membeli barang yang tidak saya butuhkan. Foto ini saya ambil ketika kami bersepeda ke Taipo bulan Oktober lalu. Saya masih ingat di antara suhu udara yang sejuk, matahari sore yang mulai redup, sepeda sewa kami yang berjejer, tawa kami menutup sore itu dengan gembira.
One of the blessings for migrant workers is having good friends. Friends who give you positive influence, encourage you to upgrade your skills, and who are willing to listen and understand you. I am one of those lucky people. Thanks to a Photography event, I met my current friends. They informed me about mental health seminars, organizing activities, and several times we spent time together hiking mountains and cycling. Thanks to them, I do not spend my holidays just going around shops and buying things I do not need. I took this photo when we cycled to Taipo last October. I still remember the cool temperature, the dimming afternoon sun, our rented bikes lined up, and our laughter that happily closed the evening.

Hi, I'm Suciati from Indonesia. I've been working in Hong Kong for 10 years. I love photography, music and I'm also a podcast listener. I love hanging out with my friends on weekends; attending seminars, training or just enjoying food with them. When I feel overwhelmed, I try to clear my schedule for me time. Spending my free time watching Korean dramas, watching Stand Up Comedy videos on YouTube or just scrolling through funny videos on Instagram.