Tips on Taking Care of Children with SEN - CUHK MDW

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Tips on Taking care of Children with SEN

Taking care of children with Special educational needs (SEN) is challenging. It requires special skills and knowledge and can sometimes lead to stress and burnout. Here are some tips to help you to take care of SEN children more easily.

Try to understand them. Learn as much as you can about the child’s specific condition and needs. This can help you anticipate their needs, better understand their behaviour, and provide appropriate care and support.

Develop a daily routine. Establishing a daily routine can help the child feel more secure and comfortable and make it easier for you to plan and manage their care. A predictable routine can not only help you care for the SEN child easier, but also help reduce stress and anxiety for both of you.

Celebrate the child’s successes. No matter how much progress they have made, you can celebrate it with the child. This can help you feel more positive and motivated, and help the child feel more confident and empowered.

Give breaks for yourself. It’s important to take one day rest. Use your break time to do something you enjoy, reading books, watching movies, hanging out with friends. Taking time for yourself can make you feel more energized when you feel stress and anxiety.

Seeking support from others. When you have no idea on how to take care of SEN children, you can try to talk to their parents or teachers, join a support group for SEN caregivers, or seek professional counselling or therapy.

Read more:

1. “Special Needs education in Hong Kong”, Pkaytiems

2. “Support to parents and students”, HK Education Bureau

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