Myth by Ruya Rahuma Amatur Rozaq
A soul grow arrogant as the wrath of storm
Into God a mist shall form
I see a shadow shifting its shape
And million nerves were just a disheveled rolling tape

I breath snowflakes
In a slumber sacred night heightens every sense
To the highest of Eden’s stair I magicked
I throw my last drop of soul without faith and calmness
Savor endless shivery pleasures it trapped
Oh Myth

I thought you’re the Moon’s dust
But here You endow me wings of list
O Myth
The Goddess I trust
Be my paradise you must

As holy as Baphomet’s horns
Into jeopardize zest you made me hash
But I revived as though a phoenix resurrected from its ash
Along with the dripping of the boon
Selene embrace me, The Goddess of moon
Oh Myth
About the Poem: "This poem I made was inspired by a close friend that was addicted to addictive substance (Methamphetamine) and start ruining his life and mental health in particular. He really struggled to stop from it even without any good support system. I am the only friend he felt comfortable with and talked about this, and I was always the first person who's not only comforting him but also encouraging him until finally he's clean and living a happier life. So in this poem, I tried to put myself in his shoes and feeling deeper about his complex stuff running in his head."