MDW Recharge Line - CUHK MDW

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MDW Recharge Line


Welcome to MDW Recharge Hub! This online hub is co-created by a team of CUHK researchers and migrant domestic workers (MDWs), with the aim of promoting MDWs’ mental health.

Specifically, the website is designed to keep MDWs updated with information and knowledge about how to take care of their own and others’ mental health, provide easy navigation to community resources and activities related to MDWs’ mental health, and recharge MDWs’ mental power through various peer support activities.

The scope of the hub covers from mental illness to mental wellness. It means that our support is not only offered to those who are troubled by mental disturbances but also to those who want to further pursue well-being and flourishing. Our approach is leveraging on MDWs’ online peer support networks. By engaging and empowering MDW peer leaders, we hope to ignite changes in the broader community of MDWs towards valuing mental health and daring to seek help.

The project team values social inclusion and embraces cultural diversity. We are keen to listen, collaborate, and support each other. The project is originally funded by CUHK’s Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) and its further enhancement is funded by the Mental Health Initiative Funding Scheme Phase II.


_________________________________________________________ Terms of Service ________________________________________________________



Before using or accessing the service provided by MDW Recharge Hub (the “Service”), please read the following.
By accessing or using the Service, you agree to these Terms of Service (the “Terms of Service”) and the privacy policy described in the link provided below (the “Privacy Policy”). Moreover, to enhance our service quality and better help more people like you, we are collaborating with Professor Qijin CHENG at the Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, to conduct the research project. By using our service, you agree to share the record(s) of your contact(s) with the MDW Recharge Line including the chat and/or call history, with the research team for the project. The record(s) will not include any personal identifiers and will be analyzed anonymously. The data will be stored by the research team in encrypted digital devices or drives, remained strictly confidential, and used for the research purposes only.These Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy are collectively referred to as the “Terms”.


These Terms govern your access and use of the Service. You may contact us by email at, if you have any questions about these Terms. If you don’t agree to these Terms, you may not use the Service. You can find a list of other hotlines including Help for Domestic Workers +852 2523 4020 or WhatsApp: +852 5936 3780, The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong 2389-2222, Samaritans Hong Kong 2896-0000, Suicide Prevention Services 2382-0000, Social Welfare Department Hotline 2343-2255, Hospital Authourity Psychiatric Hotline 2466-7350, Caritas Family Crisis Line 18288. If you no longer wish to receive messages, you may opt out at any time by texting the word STOP.


Modification of Terms and Conditions

These Terms may be modified from time to time to make sure that the Service works effectively and in accordance with law. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting. Your use of the Service after any modification of the Terms have been posted will constitute your acceptance of the revised Terms.


Nature and Use of Information Provided through This Service

Please remember that your participation in the service does not constitute medical or mental health care or treatment, and our relationship with you does not constitute an attorney-client relationship, a doctor-patient relationship, or any other sort of professional relationship between a licensed professional and its client. Our Service is not a substitute for professional health care or any other services offered by licensed professionals (e.g. lawyers). We urge you to seek the advice of licensed professionals, particularly your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. If you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, call your doctor or 999 immediately.



You assume all risk for use of the Service. The team and any of its volunteers, social worker, operators, or agents will not be liable for any decisions made, or results of the decisions made, or actions taken, by you or a third party while, as a result of, or after using the service, or based on reliance upon the information contained on or provided through the service. This includes whether you choose to seek or not seek professional care, or to modify or terminate specific treatment that you are currently receiving based on the information provided by the Service. You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless for damages arising out of (a) your breach of these Terms, (b) your violation of the law, (c) claims asserted by third parties that you are in breach of these Terms, (d) information provided by you through the Service, or (e) your use of the Service. Without limiting the foregoing, in no event shall the team or any of its operators be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, or indirect damages.


The Service is provided on an “as is” basis and “as available” basis. The team and its operators expressly disclaim all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied and make no warranty or representation that the service will (a) meet your requirements; (b) be uninterrupted, timely, secure, error-free, bug-free, virus-free, or accurate; (c) be merchantable or fit for a particular purpose; or (d) meet your expectations. The foregoing disclaimers of liability apply to all damages or liability, including those caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect or delay in operation or transmission, whether for breach of contract, tortious behavior, including negligence, or any other cause of action.


Only Lawful Use

You agree to use the service only for lawful purposes, and in a manner which does not infringe the rights of, or restrict, or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this site by any third party. Such restriction and inhibition includes, without limitation, conduct which is unlawful or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person and the transmission of obscene or offensive material or disruption of normal flow of dialogue while using the service.
We may unilaterally terminate your access to the Service at any time, including (a) if you violate these Terms, or (b) we determine that you’d be better served by a different kind of support.


Privacy Policy

Your privacy and security are very important to us.



Despite these protections, the Internet remains an imperfectly secure environment, and we cannot guarantee protection from intruders or interceptors. You agree to use the Service and submit information at your own risk. You agree that the team or any of its operators will have no liability regarding unauthorized access. We are not responsible for, and cannot control, what others not affiliated with the team do with information you provide to them.



You may contact us through approved third party websites, applications, or services (“Third Party Services”). However, these Terms only apply to you and the team. We are not responsible for, and make no representations regarding the policies or practices of any Third Party Services.If you contact us through a Third Party Service, you are subject to these Terms as well as the terms and policies of the Third Party Service. We encourage you to review the terms and policies of any Third Party Service you use to contact us. If you do not wish to be subject to a Third Party Service’s terms or policies, please do not contact us through a Third Party Service; instead you should contact us by using our web-based chat platform. You can also check the Terms of Service of WhatsApp.



These Terms and the provision of the Service is governed solely by, and shall be construed according to, the laws of Hong Kong without giving effect to principles of conflict of law. MDW Recharge Hub and you both consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts over all matters and disputes arising out of or in connection with the Service.
The Service is operated in Hong Kong. If you are located outside of Hong Kong, please be aware that any information you provide will be collected in or transferred to Hong Kong and used in accordance with Hong Kong laws. By using the service and/or providing us with your information, you consent to such collection, transfer, and use.



If a court finds any provision of these Terms to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent possible and the remaining Terms shall remain in full force and effect. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and MDW Recharge Line, superseding any other written or oral agreements or understandings.

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