Relieving Stress at Work - CUHK MDW

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Relieving Stress at Work

14 May, 2024

Laurence's story: Relieving stress at work

Migrant domestic workers who face stress at work due to demanding employers or language barriers may experience a range of emotions, including anxiety, frustration, and isolation. They may also feel powerless and vulnerable, particularly if they are in a foreign country without strong social networks or legal protections.

To alleviate this stress, there are several things that can be done. First, it is important to ensure that migrant domestic workers are aware of their legal rights and protections. This can include obtaining information about labour laws and regulations, as well as resources for reporting abuse or exploitation.

Second, language barriers can be addressed through language training programs or the use of interpretation services. Accessing language support can help workers communicate more effectively with their employers and reduce misunderstandings that can lead to stress.

Third, connecting with community organisations or support groups for social activities is also a great way to find peers to share similar experiences and gain emotional support.

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