What is Schizophrenia?
18 May, 2023
Written by Inna Abrogena
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness wherein the person afflicted interpret reality in an abnormal way and they seem to lose touch with what is real. This affects them emotionally, mentally, and behaviorally and may make it difficult to engage in daily life activities like school or work. Let’s understand schizophrenia and what we can do if we are diagnosed with schizophrenia or know someone who is.

The signs and symptoms of schizophrenia
– Hallucinations: Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting that others don’t. Most common hallucinations are seeing and hearing things that aren’t there.
– Delusions: Strong beliefs that are not based on reality or are irrational. For example, believing they are in danger and that people want to hurt them, the TV is sending them messages or instructions, believing that others’ comments and gestures are about them.
– Disorganized thinking: Thinking that is illogical or having difficulty organizing thoughts. This manifests itself by stopping in the middle of talking, jumping from one topic to the next, or responding in partially or completely unrelated topics. Rarely, speech may be affected such as saying made up and meaningless words.
– Difficulty in functioning normally: This includes lack of interest in things, difficulty in planning and doing daily activities (e.g. chores, shopping), neglecting personal hygiene, avoiding social interactions and people, feeling disconnected to their emotions (e.g. speaking monotone and not changing facial expressions), and inability to feel pleasure.
-Disorganized or abnormal behavior: This includes abnormal body movements and difficulty in tasks. People with schizophrenia may repeat certain motions over and over with no purpose or have bizarre posture. They may also show resistance to instructions, becoming completely non-responsive, and sometimes may have unpredictable behavior like acting childlike or suddenly becoming agitated.
What is the cause of schizophrenia?
People may develop schizophrenia for several reasons. First, it may be because of trauma or extremely stressful life events (e.g. abuse, becoming homeless, living in dangerous environment) and second, from use of drugs and alcohol. Third, if someone has a family member with schizophrenia, it is more likely for them to develop it also. Lastly, disruptions in brain development before birth or during childhood (e.g. mother was ill or had nutritional problems during pregnancy, taking in drugs and alcohol as a child/teen) can also be a cause.

Can schizophrenia be cured?
Schizophrenia’s symptoms can be managed with treatment. If you suspect someone to have schizophrenia, you can encourage them to seek professional help and to continue their treatment. Remember that their hallucinations and delusions are real to them so try to be patient and respectful but do not tolerate inappropriate or dangerous behaviors.
If you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, try to take better care of yourself, and do activities that help lower your stress levels. This way, your symptoms may reduce. Seeking professional help will be the quickest way for you to manage your symptoms and return to your daily life. You can also rely more on your family and friends to help you and encourage you on your road to recovery.