Yoga Pose for Stress Relief - CUHK MDW

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Yoga Pose for Stress Relief

16 May, 2024

Stress relief yoga pose

Do you like yoga? What would you do to relax your mind and body?

One of the best things about yoga is that it can be practised almost anywhere and requires very little equipment. You can easily practice yoga in your homes or community spaces.
Let’s check out the yoga pose that help you de-stress and calm the mind.

1. Standing forward bend
Reach tall and exhale forward, then bend knees enough to be able to place your palms on the floor, with head pressed against your legs
Make sure your spine is stretching in the same direction as your head
For a deeper stretch, try to straighten the legs

2. Cat-cow pose
Cat: start on all fours, then round your back toward the ceiling and bring your navel up towards your spine while exhaling
Bring back to the neutral position, of spine and head aligned
Cow: inhale and tilt your pelvis back so that your tailbone sticks up. Keep your abdominal muscles hugging your spine by drawing your navel in

3. Head-to-knee forward bend
Sit straight with legs extended
Bend your left leg and bring the sole of your foot to the upper inside right thigh
Rest your left knee on the floor
Put both palms on either side of your right leg and inhale
Turn towards the extended leg and exhale while folding forward
Hold for 5-6 breaths and repeat the pose on the other side

4. Corpse pose
Lie flat on back with legs close together but without touching
Place your arms at the sides with palms facing up
Soften your eyes and face and close your eyes while breathing deeply
Starting at the top of your head, bring your attention to each part of your body until you reach your toes
You may hold this position for about 4-5 minutes

The length of time you hold each yoga pose can vary depending on your level of experience, flexibility, and comfort level. You can hold each pose for 5-10 breaths or about 30 seconds to 1 minute. However, if you feel discomfort or strain in a pose, it’s important to listen to your body and come out of the pose sooner.

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