Our Team - CUHK MDW

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Emily Cheng


Emily Cheng

Dr. Qijin Emily Cheng is the founder of the MDW Recharge Hub project. She initiated the project through close collaboration with a group of active MDW peer leaders. She specializes in using media and new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to promote mental health and prevent suicide. She has received the Young Researcher Award from CUHK and the Knowledge Exchange Excellence Award from HKU and has been consulting and providing training to suicide prevention services in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, and Malaysia.
Inna Abrogena

Project Officer

Inna Abrogena

Inna is a registered arts therapist and professional member of the Australia, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association. With her background in the fields of therapy, corporate training, and research, Inna firmly believes in every individual’s innate capacity for personal growth, and she enjoys creating opportunities to enable their transformation.
Esther Cheung

Project Coordinator (Part-time)

Esther Cheung

Esther Cheung is a registered social worker with over 5 years of experience in project management, proposal writing (both commercial and academia), social innovation, and applications of design thinking across various social services. She is currently pursuing the Master of Arts Programme in Family Counselling, with the aim of enhancing her frontline applications through research training.
Sindy Li

Project Coordinator (Part-time)

Sindy Li

Sindy is a Research Assistant holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications and a Master’s degree in Social Services Management. She brings a wealth of practical experience in media production and operations, paired with over two years of program experience in mental health program management and implementation. Sindy is dedicated to advancing the well-being of migrant domestic workers through her ongoing work in social services.

Our committee members are instrumental in our project efforts as MDW Recharge Hub is a platform co-created by a team of CUHK researchers and migrant domestic workers. To know more information about our committee, you may download the MDW Recharge Hub Project Coordination Committee Terms of Reference here. * Note: Sorted according to the alphabetical order of the organization name. Members in the same organization are sorted by their first name.

Fe Diza

Domestic Workers Corner Hong Kong

Fe Diza

Fe is an active administrator of Domestic Workers Corner, a Pathfinders ambassador, an “Are You OK” ambassador, and the Press Relation Officer of the National Organization of Professional Teachers – HK Chapter 2022-2023. She is also a member of Migrant Writers of Hong Kong. Her ultimate goal is to help her fellow migrant workers to know their rights by disseminating accurate information and serving as a bridge to connect them with the right organizations.
Rodelia M. Pedro

Domestic Workers Corner Hong Kong

Rodelia M. Pedro

Rodelia is a migrant domestic worker who has been living in Hong Kong for more than 20 years. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Rodelia began serving the community at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish. In 2017, she founded an online Facebook Page named “Domestic Workers Corner”, where she and fellow group administrators assist MDWs in need. Rodelia continues to serve the MDW community by organizing training sessions for those caring for persons with disabilities, initiating mental health projects, promoting financial education, and referring relevant individuals to legal assistance as needed.
Lorna Pagaduan

Filipino Nurses Association HK

Lorna Pagaduan

Lorna is a Philippine registered nurse by profession. Working here wasn’t her wildest dream but being here for nearly two and a half decades she considered it as her calling with purpose and that because of the community she serves. She is the founding member and currently the President of the Filipino Nurses Association HK (FNAHK), since 2006. Serving the community by collaborating and partnering with other NGOs for health seminars and workshops, organizing Free Papsmear and Mammograms, mental health trainings and seminars, as part of health advocacy. Founder of Pinoy Bayanihan Brigade International (PBBI) an LGBTQ group, and Philippine Healthcare group of Professionals. A co-author of an Amazon Best seller book MyVoice Vol.3, Trainor of KasamBuhay Foundation, and leading a personal charity “Lapis at Papel”, Breathless Love and Pamaskong Handog, all implemented in the Philippines. A 2022 RESOLVE Fellow. Lorna is a trail runner, dog lover, nature explorer and environment advocate. An ambassador of various NGOs like Pathfinders, Are you okay? MindHK and the likes, trained paralegal, and Peer Supporter. A Mental Health advocate and enthusiast got certified as PFA by Mental Health Foundation HK, John Hopkins University, and Mental Health Foundation Australia. As a Mental Health advocate and passionate about it, she studied Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health, The Science of Well-Being. Currently, taking up Social Psychology, Inclusive Leadership and Introduction to Psychology.
Ailenemae Ramos

Migrant Writers of Hong Kong

Ailenemae Ramos

Ailenemae is a proud mother of 2 and happily married for 18 years. Originally from the Philippines, she has been working in Hong Kong as a domestic worker since 2010. She is the co-founder of Migrant Writers of Hong Kong and the author of the book “Beyond the Sunset”. Additionally, she is a Mentor of the Uplifters community, an ambassador of PathFinders Hong Kong, a member of the Mabuhay Toastmasters Club, and a Resolve Foundation Hong Kong 2022 fellow.
Maria Nemy Lou Rocio

Migrant Writers of Hong Kong

Maria Nemy Lou Rocio

Maria is a domestic helper in Hong Kong. She co-founded Migrant Writers of Hong Kong in March 2021, which aims to create an inclusive environment for writers in the migrant community and promote mental health through creative writing. She also volunteers with various NGO organizations as a mental health advocate and to help her fellow migrants workers learn about their rights.
Marites Palma

Social Justice for Migrant Workers

Marites Palma

Marites Palma, also known as Tekla, is a contributor writer for The Sun Hong Kong, and a 2019 Resolve Fellow. She is a former financial literacy trainer of Kasambuhay Hong Kong Foundation Training and a gold team leader for Uplifters. Marties has completed the Community Care Training conducted by MSF and is an accredited Mental Health First Aider organized by Mental Health Association of Hong Kong through HKUST. She is also a CUHK Dream Catcher 2022 and the founder of Social Justice for Migrant Workers Facebook group, which has promoted kindness and compassion since the pandemic started on 2019.

* Note: Sorted according to the alphabetical order of the first name.

Caryn Callista

September 2023 – Present

Caryn Callista

I am an undergraduate CUHK student from Indonesia, majoring in Food and Nutritional Sciences. I enjoy interacting with the MDWs in Hong Kong whenever I go to Indonesian stores, I love listening to their inspiring stories and experiences in life. It motivates me to give back to the community and promote the overall well-being of the MDW community in Hong Kong.
Clarissa Djahtranto

March 2023 – present

Clarissa Djahtranto

Clarissa is an undergraduate student from Indonesia studying Molecular Biotechnology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She is passionate about science and research but is also an artist at heart. Being a first-time overseas student in a foreign country, Clarissa struggles with homesickness and anxiety, but she has experienced first-hand how taking care of one’s mental health is a crucial point in toppling back towards a hopeful life. She wishes to contribute her very best to the Indonesian community in Hong Kong, towards a supportive and prosperous mental well-being.
Shalina Telaga

October 2022 – present

Shalina Telaga

Shalina Telaga is an undergraduate student from Indonesia studying Biomedical Sciences and minoring in Psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She is passionate about community and mental health, science and research, but in her free time she loves reading and arts. Growing up in Indonesia, she feels a strong relationship with the MDWs in Hong Kong and is greatly motivated to do her part in contributing to the community, may it be large or small, supporting them through their jorney in finding mental wellbeing and serenity.
Michelle Cheung

March 2023 – present

Michelle Cheung

Michelle is a year 3 student from CUHK majoring in social work. She is passionate about helping people and promoting mental health awareness. She has experience working with ethnic minorities in Hong Kong and enjoys working with people from diverse backgrounds through a culturally sensitive lens.


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