Recharge Radio - CUHK MDW

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Recharge Radio


Starting from Feb 2022, Recharge Radio has been streaming via Zoom at 9-10 PM every Sunday for promoting MDWs’ mental health.


Recharge Radio is derived from one of the Arts for Wellness Workshops. During COVID-19, there was a period when most of the MDWs were required to stay at their employers’ homes even on resting days. Many MDWs felt lonely, depressed, and worrying. To address the challenge, Prof. Emily Cheng and peer leaders who attended the Arts for Wellness train-the-trainer programme co-created Recharge Radio.


Recharge Radio is an online radio via Zoom or Facebook Live, hosted by one or two trained Dream Catchers each time. The radio is broadcasting at 9-10 PM every Sunday and welcoming all MDWs to participate. The host will play songs that are popular among MDWs, chat with the participants, and facilitate group discussions on topics related to mental health.


If this is your first time attending, click here to please fill in our registration and questionnaire Recharge Radio registration !

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