Vision and Mission - CUHK MDW

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Vision and Mission

Welcome to MDW Recharge Hub! This online hub is co-created by a team of CUHK researchers and migrant domestic workers (MDWs), with the aim of promoting MDWs’ mental health.

Specifically, the website is designed to keep MDWs updated with information and knowledge about how to take care of their own and others’ mental health, provide easy navigation to community resources and activities related to MDWs’ mental health, and recharge MDWs’ mental power through various peer support activities.

The scope of the hub covers from mental illness to mental wellness. It means that our support is not only offered to those who are troubled by mental disturbances but also to those who want to further pursue well-being and flourishing. Our approach is leveraging on MDWs’ online peer support networks. By engaging and empowering MDW peer leaders, we hope to ignite changes in the broader community of MDWs towards valuing mental health and daring to seek help.

The project team values social inclusion and embraces cultural diversity. We are keen to listen, collaborate, and support each other.

The project is originally funded by CUHK’s Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) and its further enhancement is funded by the Mental Health Initiative Funding Scheme Phase II.

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